Monday, July 27, 2009

Consider the following class definition for a binary tree of integers.?

Consider the following class definition for a binary tree of integers.

class binTree {


btnode* root; // root of the bintree

btnode* current; // current node in the bintree


bool isEmpty();

int CountInterior(); //count the number of interior nodes


class btnode {

friend binTree;

int value;

binTree left; // left subtree

binTree right; // right subtree


btnode(int value); // Constructor

bool isLeaf(); // True if this node is a leaf; false otherwise


Complete the C++ code for a recursive method called CountInterior that returns the number of interior (non-leaf) nodes in a binary tree.

int bintree::CountInterior()



Consider the following class definition for a binary tree of integers.?
Okay, I considered it. Now what? Seriously, this looks like homework to me, and easy homework at that. The given code lays out a way to test for leaves so all you need to do is use it in a loop and increment a counter if appropriate. The most difficult thing here is setting up a loop to walk the WHOLE tree. That's about all the help I'll give you.


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